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Aquamarine The Birthstone of March and Its Metaphysical Powers

Aquamarine: The Birthstone of March and Its Metaphysical Powers

  1. What is aquamarine?

  2. History and origin of aquamarine

  3. Where to Find Aquamarine?

  4. The Symbolism of the Aquamarine Gemstone

  5. Metaphysical and Healing Properties of Aquamarine Gemstone

  6. Aquamarine in Jewelry Design

  7. Cleaning and Care of the Aquamarine Gemstone

  8. Conclusion

  9. FAQs 

1. What is aquamarine?

March has two birthstones, aquamarine and bloodstone. The word aquamarine came from Latin for the first time, which means water of the sea. The aquamarine color looks like a deep blue hue and is called emerald. This gemstone is known for its clear and calming effects.

The March birthstones are known for their unique beauty. It is also known for its deep blue hue. This gemstone is popular among jewelry dwellers. Aquamarine gemstones are associated with the zodiac sign Pisces, known for its dreamy and emotional quality.

2. History and origin of aquamarine

The history of aquamarine can be traced back to ancient times. Ancient civilizations, especially in the Mediterranean, regarded aquamarine as a gift from the sea gods. The ancient sailors believed that the stone would calm the storms. So that people can safely travel during their sea voyage.

History and origin of aquamarine

Ancient Romans and Greeks believed that aquamarine was the stone of Poseidon. the god of the sea, and they would often wear it as a protective amulet during maritime journeys.

3. Where to Find Aquamarine?

Aquamarine is found in different parts of the world, including Brazil, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Madagascar. The aquamarine gemstones are mostly found in large numbers in Minas Gerais. Aquamarine gemstones are found in Zambia and Kenya. This gemstone is often found in different colors depending on their various origins, like in Brazil, where the gemstones are more vivid blue hues, and other regions produce more pastel or green colors.

Aquamarine holds deep symbolic meaning, which brings calmness, tranquility, and emotional healing. This gemstone color promotes peace and serenity in their lives. Aquamarine gemstones bring calmness and reduce stress. This gemstone also brings emotional clarity and balance into their life.

Where to Find Aquamarine

In addition to its peaceful symbolism, aquamarine is also thought to have protective qualities. In ancient times, it was still seen as a symbol of good fortune and protection.

4. The Symbolism of the Aquamarine Gemstone

Aquamarine holds deep symbolic meaning, which brings calmness, tranquility, and emotional healing. This gemstone color promotes peace and serenity in their life. Aquamarine gemstone brings calmness and reduces stress. This gemstone also brings emotional clarity and balance into their life.

In addition to its peaceful symbolism, aquamarine is also thought to have protective qualities. In ancient times, it was still seen as a symbol of good fortune and protection.

5. Metaphysical and Healing Properties of Aquamarine Gemstone

Aquamarine is also highly beneficial for its metaphysical practice, which is known for its calming and healing properties. This gemstone is believed to have a powerful connection to the throat chakra, which opens up the portal for communication, self-expression, and clarity.

In terms of physical healing, aquamarine soothes the respiratory system, easing symptoms like asthma, bronchitis, and allergies. Additionally, it is thought to have a soothing effect on the skin and eyes. Aquamarine promotes overall wellness.

Emotionally, aquamarine is known for its ability to help relieve stress and emotional turmoil. The stone is often used to bring peace and harmony into one's life. This aquamarine gemstone removes emotional blockages and helps to keep people's minds clear and balanced.

6. Aquamarine in Jewelry Design

Aquamarine is highly popular in all jewelers and jewelers' dwellers because it has a uniquely beautiful color and remarkable clarity. It has high durability and hardness, with a rating of 7 to 8 on the Mohs scale.

Aquamarine in Jewelry Design

This aquamarine gemstone is suitable for all varieties of design. Most of the aquamarine gemstones are used for engagement rings and represent long-lasting love, making it a perfect choice for couples seeking something unique for a special day. This gemstone is also used in earrings and pendants and is often paired with diamonds or other gemstones.

Aquamarine can come in various sizes and shapes, such as round, emerald, and cushion cut, giving all the designers flexibility to create a range of all the vintage styles. If you want to buy this jewelry in gold, rose gold, and platinum, it will help in removing stress and anxiety by wearing it.

7. Cleaning and Care of the Aquamarine Gemstone

This gemstone is soft and relatively durable. This gemstone requires proper cleaning and care. Steps to clean the aquamarine gemstone. 

  • Aquamarine gemstones should always be stored separately from all jewelry.

  • During physical activity, you can remove before during heavy work because this march gemstone is durable.

  • This March birthstone aquamarine should be kept away from heat and high temperatures.

  • This gemstone should always be stored in a soft pouch and box.

  • Aquamarine should be stored in a safe and clean place to protect it from scratches.


Aquamarine gemstones are very durable and charming. The purple color makes them unique and makes it easy to attract people to wear them. Nowadays it is rarely found in the world wide. It is unique and rare. 


1. What is aquamarine good for?

This March birthstone, aquamarine, brings clarity and calmness in our lives.

2. Is aquamarine an expensive gemstone?

It depends on how much the worth of each stone depends on its quality.

3. Who can wear aquamarine?

People who are born in March can wear it.

4. Is aquamarine good for money?

I guess it attracts peaceful energy in our lives; I've never heard of attracting money.

5. Does aquamarine bring luck?

Yes, it brings out unique qualities within us, like courage, though many consider it a lucky charm.

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